Mr. 4th Membership System

July 15th 2024

Member Funded

I am launching a new membership system for the Mr. 4th Lab. The lab focusses on the day-to-day practical needs of programmers. To keep it that way, it is important that the funding for the lab comes from regular programmers. That is why I am hoping that if you appreciate what the lab is doing, that you'll consider supporting the lab by becoming a member.

But I know nobody likes to be begged for money. So instead, let me tell you about what you can get for supporting the lab.


As a supporter, you'll get access to weekly devlogs. These devlogs will be delivered on Fridays whenever there has been active development on lab projects. This way you can see for yourself how your support is being put to use. You can receive these devlogs by email, or on the Mr. 4th Discord community where you can ask questions, and engage with other supporters in discussions.

As a supporter, you'll also get access to some early and exclusive announcements from the lab.


Members get the same weekly devlogs and announcements that supporters get plus more.

As a member, you'll get access to the Mr. 4th Video Library indexed using the Cinera video indexing system. With this system the videos produced by the lab become a searchable library, with time marked annotations for easily finding the exact moments you're interested in.

As a member, you'll also get access to additional code on the Mr. 4th Git. The public code on Mr. 4th Git contains the lab's open source projects. You'll get access to a selection of closed source repositories. You can expect this to eventually include things like, incomplete or abandoned experiments, in development software that is not yet ready to be published open source, and small fun side projects. You'll be able to explore and learn from the code, and request a personal license to copy and reuse the code for yourself in your own projects.

The Credits System

In addition to everything you get from you subscription described above, every dollar you spend supporting the lab earns you a so-called credit. This isn't some scummy internal currency system. It exists because some day the lab might produce a for sale product, perhaps a software package, or documentation package. If you choose to support the lab, then it's only fair that you should not be charged again for the work that you make possible. Therefore every dollar you spend in support of the lab earns you one credit towards buying any for sale products the lab produces. (Credits are tracked one to one with the USD value of your support)

Upcoming Projects

Now that this membership system is out, I am getting back to my regular research and educational projects. Currently I am excited about these:

mr4th_base.h - a project to roll my base layer into a more library like form - a reusable base layer.

Binary File & Object File Deep Dive - a study and surfacing of the key details needed to work with the native layer tool chains, hopefully a first step towards imagining upgrades to the native layer software architecture.

Arena Use Resources - an educational initiative to bring about more community understanding of how arenas can be used to simplify low level memory management problems.

SAT Solver - a project to build a simple easy to reuse SAT solver in C along with the resources to help regular programmers see how this tool might be useful to them.

Experimental Programming Systems - a long term open ended exploration project, geared toward understanding how we will make the dream of a mass paradigm shift for programming more practical.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading and following along with the lab so far. And doubly thank you if you do choose to start supporting the lab.